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Applying for Free and Reduced Meals:




Guardians will be responsible for paying for their student/s meal balances.  We still encourage you to fill out the Free and Reduced meal application to ensure you have the opportunity to receive free or reduced priced meals.


You may apply for school meals beginning August 5, 2024 and throughout the school year by submitting an application for Free and Reduced Meals. (see link to the right)  We encourage submitting an online application, however, you can fill out an application directly at your school, or at the Child Nutrition Office.


Our Community Eligibility Provision is available at Fort Hall Elementary, Donald D. Stalker Elementary, Independence High School, and Riverbend Elementary. Children at our CEP (Community Eligibility Provision) will receive free breakfast and lunch reimbursable meals.


If you are earning at or below current Income Eligibility Guidelines, we encourage you to contact your school to fill out a school meal application, or submit one electronically by clicking the link to the right.


If you are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, your child automatically qualifies for free school meals, however, if you have not been notified by letter regarding free status, please contact Child Nutrition at 208-785-8861 IMMEDIATELY to determine if you need to fill out an application.

To request more information:

Contact Child Nutrition

Mon-Thur 8:00 am - 5:00 pm


You can also request more information with this form:

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