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Nutrition for Teachers


Educational materials from the USDA to teach students about nutrition.  These resources are free to schools who participate in the National School Lunch Program or other USDA child nutrition programs. See order form here for printed materials availability.

Elementary School

  • Serving Up My Plate (Grades 1-2, 3-4, 5-6)

    • Serving Up MyPlate is a collection of classroom materials that helps elementary school teachers integrate nutrition education into Math, Science, English Language Arts, and Health. This yummy curriculum introduces the importance of eating from all five food groups using the MyPlate icon and a variety of hands–on activities. Students also learn the importance of physical activity to staying healthy.

  • Idaho Incredible Edible Farm to School Lesson Plans (3-5)

    • These ten lessons use Idaho Core Standards to teach about some of the great food we grow in Idaho and how eating these nutritious foods help us grow strong and healthy.

  • The Great Garden Detective Adventure (Grades 3-4)

    • This is a standards-based garden curriculum. Discover what fruits and vegetables are sweetest, crunchiest, and juiciest through a series of investigations and fun experiences connecting the school garden to the classroom, school cafeteria, and home. This eleven-lesson curriculum for 3rd and 4th grades includes bulletin board materials, veggie dice, fruit and vegetable flash cards, and ten issues of Garden Detective News for parents/caregivers.

  • Dig In! Standards-Based Nutrition Education from the Ground Up (Grades 5-6)

    • Dig In! is a school garden-based curriculum. Explore a world of possibilities in the garden and on your plate using ten inquiry-based lessons that engage 5th and 6th graders in growing, harvesting, tasting, and learning about fruits and vegetables.

Middle School

  • Nutrition Voyage: The Quest to Be Our Best (Grades 7-8)

  • Nutrition Voyage: The Quest To Be Our Best takes 7th and 8th grade classes on an exploratory journey into school wellness. Opportunities for students to investigate, participate in a challenge, evaluate, and reflect.

Other Resources For Educators

  • Posters, games, and other support materials

Idaho Team Nutrition is funded by grants from the USDA Food and Nutrition Services to address the specific needs of Idaho schools and child care. Recent projects include wellness policy support, smart snacks in school, chef designed recipes, HealthierUS School Challenge, farm to school, and school gardens.

For more information about Idaho Team Nutrition, contact Dianne Esplin, RD, LD, SNS at

For more information about USDA Team Nutrition, please visit their website at

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